out of a [mere] drop of sperm as it is poured forth
From a drop (of seed) when it is poured forth
From a seed when lodged (in its place)
from a sperm-drop when it is emitted.
from a fertilized ovum following ejaculation
from an ejected drop of sperm
From the small seed when it is adapte
from seminal fluid when it is emitted,
from a drop of semen which has been ejected.
from a drop of semen when it is emitted,
from a drop when emitted
From a sperm-drop when it is emitted.
From a sperm drop, when emitted
from Nutfah when it is emitted
from a drop of ejaculated semen
From a sperm drop when it is ejaculated
from a discharged living ger
from a sperm-drop when it is poured (into a womb)
From gametes that unite
From the sperm as it is emitted
From a seed when placed (finally in the womb)
From a sperm-drop when it is emitte
From a seed that is put forth.
from an ejected drop of sperm
From seed when it is emitted
From a drop of semen when emitted
out of a sperm-drop when it spurted forth;
From a drop of (seminal) fluid when it is emitted
from a drop of [seminal] fluid when emitted
From the small seed when it is placed (or lodged)
from sperm when it is ejected.
From a zygote when lodged in its place
from a drop of spurted semen.
from a drop of sperm when it was emitted
From a seed that is put forth.
From fertilized ovum as and when [divinely] decreed.h
From the sperm when it is poured forth.
from a tiny drop of semen.
from an ejaculated drop (of sperm)
From the small life-germ when it is adapted
From a drop/males or female's secretion , if/when (it be) ejaculated/discharged semen/sperm
and female from a tiny drop of sperm
From a drop of liquid, when it is added
From a sperm drop when it is emitted
Out of a (sperm) drop when it is ejaculated (into the mother’s womb)
From a sperm-drop when it is emitted
From Nutfah (drops of semen male and female discharges) when it is emitted
of a sperm-drop, when it was cast forth
of seed when it is emitted
from a clot when it is emitted
From the diffused germs of life
from a drop of ejaculated semen
From a liquid as it flows out.
From a drop of sperm when it is emitted.
From a sperm when it is ejaculated.
…from a single cell lodged [in the uterine wall].
from a sperm drop when emitted;
from a drop of semen which has been ejected.
From a sperm drop, when ejaculated.
From a drop of sperm ejected (into the womb – the Rahim)!
from the sperm when it was poured
And that He derived these two sex divisions of organic beings from the male seed (Notfa) when emitted
From a sperm when it is emitted;
From a seed when lodged (in its place)
From a semen-drop when it is emitted
Min nutfatin itha tumna
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